

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Importance & Benefits of Sports on Your Health

Playing sports is the playground for physical health, playing sports indoor or outdoor is important for your mental and your physical development. Let’s look at the few sports and how they impact us.


There are many benefits by playing cricket, cricket helps your hand-aye coordination. When you play cricket, you get fit by running between crickets, running up to ball, and running after the ball to fill it. Play this sport will develop your stamina, because this sport takes for very long time.

2. Football

This sport require great level stamina, and the concentration is the important thing in this sport, even the tiny destruction can make you lose the game. Football will increase your concentration and enhance muscle growth.

3. Hockey

Hockey is a fast speed sport, that improve player speed, agility, and body strength. Hockey is a fun and effective way to burn calories. Hockey mass helps to develop the body’s cardio system vascular, therefore improve your breathing by pumping more oxygen around the body. This sport is a great way to developing your legs muscle, and your shoulders muscle. Hockey realize good coordination between the eyes and the hands.

4. Swimming

Swimming works your whole body. Swimming improving cardio vascular conditioning, muscle strength, flexibility, and posture all the same time. The benefit you can improve your body’s use of oxygen, and if you are able swim longer, the blood flow to the heart and lungs will be more effective. If you are looking to lose weight, swimming is the good way.

5. Chess

Chess known as imaginative and strategy game. It improves your focus and concentration. Chess teaches people to think one thousand times before taking a step, and teaches to analize situtation. This sport will improves your memory and your concentration.

Sport is the most natural way to stay fit :)


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