

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

British Culture and Learning Centre (BCLC) UNTAN

British Culture and Learning Centre (BCLC) UNTAN is an institution that is based on british education and culture. BCLC is formed by Tanjungpura University (Indonesia) and British Council (UK) with a mission to helping English learners from all professions especially students, teachers and lectures in increasing their English mastery. British Culture and Learning Centre also promotes British Culture and life to all English learners.

So many benefits in BCLC UNTAN, you can visit and learn something there. There's a lot of book about English, and a lot of computer that can you use for learning and searching. There's also a Performance Room, the place for studying, watching movie, karaoke, and of course the place for show events. So, would you come and learn in BCLC UNTAN? you would not feel disappoint to visit here!

for more indormation click: BCLC UNTAN


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